About Us

Health is one subject that can invoke a lot of different opinions and emotions in many different people and here at the Health Impact Assessment Gateway we have put together a one stop shop in regards to a whole host of different health related topics and subjects.

Obviously this site is large in size, and thanks to our ongoing blog posts you are going to find even more relevant and factual information is always available upon it, and with your help this site can grow even more in size.

As we often allow our website visitors to comment and make posts on our individual blog posts then if you have any additional information, feedback or even opinions on any topic we have covered then please do feel free to add your comments to those posts.

We have several additional categories that we are available throughout this website and we are also going to be showcasing to you a range of other sites and companies offering a range of different services that we also think you will be interested in, so please do enjoy you visit to this site and spend as much time as you like looking around it.

You will always be more than welcome to visit this website and we do hope that you become a regular website visitor and add your own comments and feedback on any post that has caught your imagination or your attention.

However, as with all other websites this entire site is fully protected by copyright and as such you are not permitted to replicate or copy any part of it without first getting our approval to do so, you can get in touch with us by emailing us at the email address displayed throughout this website.