Privacy Policy

The health impact assessment gateway website has in place the following privacy policy, please do have a look through it to find out how use may gather information from our site visitors and how we may use that information, also be aware this privacy policy may change at any time and as such if it is amended or changed in any way we will update this part of our website immediately.

Third Party Websites – If you see any of our website links to third party websites then we think those websites may be offering you additional information or even a range of services you will find of interest just please be aware that we cannot be held responsible for any content or images displayed on any third party website.

Information We Gather – You will be providing us with some basic information when you visit our website from your web browser as soon as it connects with our web server and as such the information we will gather will include simple and basic details such as the country you have visited this website from the type of web browser used and also the type of device you used too.

How We Use Your Information – The above information is only gathered and used by us for statistical purposes and will allow us to see where our website visitors come from and the type of device most used to visit this site with, which in turns allows us to improve our website on an ongoing basis.

Cookies – We also place a cookie onto your computer of if you are visiting this website from a mobile device then we will place a cookie onto that device Those cookies are simply sued for us to identify you as having visited this website and on any future visit we may then present you with relevant information that you may be looking for on any new visit to this website you make.